Thursday, January 8, 2009

Part of what I think about when I consider MBs

I find so many aspects of monkey bucketedness fascinating, but one element that catches my interest early on is the creative process that must have been involved.

Why a MONKEY, in this instance? Is a monkey carrying a bucket more endearing than, say, a hippopotamus? Is it important to have selected a creature that is vaguely humanoid? Would a Great Dane do? Shaving a finer line, why a monkey rather than an orangutan or gorilla?

Were other creatures considered and discarded? And, is there a bestiary of bucket-carrying rejects somewhere?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The starting post

Now that I think about it, perhaps I should have started a "thing-a-day" or "365" blog. Then, I'd actually have something to show each day. Now, yikes! It's just my brain on exhibit.

But here we are: the monkey, me, you.

Everything that was ever made was once an idea. That idea is really the inspiration for Monkey Buckets. I've considered this before, many times. Seeing Monkey Buckets, taking a photo of Monkey Buckets, and ultimately purchasing Monkey Buckets and installing Monkey Buckets in the studio really drove the idea home.

Somewhere, sometime in the past, the idea for Monkey Buckets was born. And that fact simply astonishes me.